ad hoc requestの例文
- The NASD's executives " have always had a lot of ad hoc requests for information, " not contained in normal personnel reports, Ms . Martin said.
- Other American officials, however, said that the Clinton administration had, in fact, issued an ad hoc request to officials at borders and airports for information about Carlos Salinas'whereabouts.
- We have been getting ad hoc requests handled at times, but right now we need someone who knows how to perform the machinations that update the database .-- C / WP : FOUR / WP : CHICAGO / WP : WAWARD ) 01 : 07, 1 October 2015 ( UTC)
- In golf clubs, " peer review " is usually managed by an elected Handicap Secretary who, supported by a small committee, conducts an Annual Review of the handicaps of all members and assesses ad hoc requests from individual members ( usually when age or medium to long term infirmity affects their playing ability ).